
Mulch is Mother Natures Blanket

One of the most important part of gardening is mulching. It keeps down weeds by blocking the light that allows weeds to germinate. Mulch will slow down the evaporation of moisture from the soil, which also will keep the soil from drying out and creating a crusty soil. Earthworms love organic mulch, they eat the organic matter and produce castings.…

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New Outdoor Furnishings Help Americans Create A Relaxing Oasis

Americans are increasingly looking to outdoor spaces around their homes for a tranquil retreat. In research conducted by the American Home Furnishings Alliance, 42 percent of the homeowners think of their outdoor space as “an outdoor room.” When asked to list the most important attributes for that space, 86 percent said it should be “relaxing.” Sixty percent said it should…

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Landscaping On A Budget

It is possible to have an appealing, unique look to your yard without investing thousands of dollars every year in order to do so. Practicing some basic conservation rules can help you to save money and still make your yard look great. One great new innovation that is all the rage is the art of xeriscaping. As water becomes ever…

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Landscaping Tips: What Mulch to Use for Trees

One question that comes up this time of year a lot is what is the proper mulch to use for trees. It’s easy to grasp the basic premise of mulch, but when people go to their local nursery they see many different kinds. How do you know which one to use? The short answer: wood chips. The very best mulch…

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Landscaping Tips: Concrete Pond Construction

Good concrete pond construction means not taking shortcuts. Improper methods can lead to more money spent on maintenance, repairs, or replacement than on the cost of the initial construction. Since good concrete pond construction equates to having one that lasts a lifetime or longer, follow these rules of thumb to get it right the first time! Keep in mind that…

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Landscaping in Florida

Landscaping in Florida is not that different compared to other places in the US. This is because companies who offer their services will still mow the lawn, plant trees and do everything else to keep the garden well maintained. As a contractor, you should know what plants work best depending on the region and know the best places to put…

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Landscaping Tips- the Water Garden

There are a lot of new trends surfacing in gardening, and water gardening is one of the new interests. Water gardening can include waterfalls, ponds, streams and fountains, all of which can be combined with lighting, plants, and fish. Water gardening need not have a pond or natural water source moreover, it could be a plastic tub, plastic lined shallow…

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Landscaping Pictures for Your Home

A picture says a thousand words and it is up to you to find out what it means. When you need ideas on how to improve your garden or backyard, you should look at landscaping pictures and then incorporate this into your project. You can look for landscaping pictures from a variety of sources. These can be found in books…

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Landscaping your Yard

Fixing the outside of your home is just as important as fixing the inside. If you are landscaping the yard, it is not enough to just put grass on the ground. You should plant flowers, shrubs and trees. The garden needs to be maintained so you should cut the grass and water the plants. For that, you will need to…

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