
Congress Approves 9999 Fine Gold Coins

New .9999 fine (24 karat) 1-oz legal tender $50 gold coins will be added to the U.S. Mint’s line of gold bullion coins in 2006 when President Bush signs into law a bill that Congress passed in December. The legislation calls for the Mint to have the coins ready to distribute by June 2006, but the coins may be ready…

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Immediate Annuity Revealed

Immediate annuity is an annuity that has little or no accumulation phase. You purchase it with one payment and may begin receiving series of payments whether right away or deferred it until specified time. Immediate annuity could help secure your financial future by ensuring a series of income payments. Person with these conditions might find immediate annuities suitable: * Person…

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The 46 3 Marginal Bracket

Despite the new tax rate reductions of the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003, the top marginal tax bracket for many retirees is a whopping 46.3%. Why? Because Social Security benefits are subject to income tax. Those affected are Social Security recipients who have the good fortune (misfortune?) to be subject to both the 25% income tax…

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Ocra Opens Its First Office In South America

OCRA Worldwide has opened an office in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The full name and address of this office is: OCRA Brasil Consultoria e Analise de Investimentos, Ltda Av, das Nacoes Unidas, 12.551, 19 andar Cj 1903, Sao Paulo CEP 04578-903 SP Brazil Phone – 00 55 11 3043 7370 Fax – 00 55 11 3043 7371 E-mail – Contact…

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Making Yourself Smart Investments

There is a harsh fact about reality. The good job that you have may not last your entire life or career. The stability of the job may change and the particulars about it may change it to one that is completely undesirable. You must think ahead and plan on making your money work for you. No matter how much you…

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Guide To Mergers

The economy today is not stabilized. Even big companies have to confront the ups and downs that come their way. But the only thing that keeps them going is survival. They have to survive in the market and progress swiftly or gradually. One strategy to advancement is that of ‘mergers’ between companies. There are numerous mergers that take place locally…

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Gold A Solid Investment

Make no mistake, the currency crisis is coming. Rather than sitting back and letting it happen, protect yourself and profit from an economic upset that could basically render your dollars about as worthless as the paper they’re printed on. We saw a preview of this kind of debacle quite recently. In early 2006 a currency plunge triggered an avalanche of…

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Your Stop Loss Is Critical When Day Trading Futures

Stop loss orders are great insurance policies that cost you nothing and can save you a fortune. They are used to sell or buy at a specified price and greatly reduce the risk you take when you buy or sell a futures contract. Stop loss orders will automatically execute when the price specified is hit, and can take the emotion…

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Discovering Turnaround Candidates

There are many types of investment methodology out there. All of them has their own merits. I for one, personally like to invest in turnaround stocks. What is turnaround stocks? They are normally companies that are experiencing problems (hopefully short-term), and a lot of people are not willing to wait for those companies to recover. I personally like turnaround stocks…

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