
Soap Making As A Hobby

Soaps are so taken for granted that we hardly pause to think more about how they are made. The general feeling is that the entire process is far too complicated, industrial, and way out of being made a hobby. In reality, soap making is a simple process, and there are ready-made melt and pour type of kits available that allow…

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Birdwatching A Free And Fascinating Pastime For All

My first experience of deliberate birdwatching took place in Richmond Great Park. The time; 1966, the occasion; one of the first dates with my (now) husband. There I was, all dressed up and ready to knock him out with my drop dead gorgeousness (memory plays strange tricks as you get older!) and there he was, luring me into the undergrowth…

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Font Free Scrapbooking Ideas

Font free scrapbooking is creating a scrapbook without the use of the computer. It is relatively easy to create a scrapbook page using downloaded again printed fonts, although it would be massed personal and unique to write diary fairness entries in your scrapbook. Some people aren’t gutsy enough with their penmanship, but ditch the popularity of scrapbooking, they can now…

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Yugioh 101 How To Play The Yugioh Trading Card Game

Based on the hit Japanese comic book and cartoon series, Yugioh trading cards have become a hit with youngsters everywhere. Yugioh enthusiasts worldwide collect the wildly popular Yugioh trading cards in order to participate in the elaborate game that is based on the trading cards. If you’re curious about the Yugioh phenomenon, and would like to learn the basic rules…

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What To Look For In A Great Slr Digital Camera

The technology of photography has continuously evolved and improved since the turn of the 20th century. The demand for traditional camera that used films has long been decreased. With the current technology, digital cameras have been introduced. People who love capturing every single moment are indeed amazed by the digital cameras. This is because of the ease that the camera…

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Making The Battery On Your Digital Camera Last Longer

With all the features digital cameras have these days, you may find keeping batteries a problem. This could well be your biggest expense, but there are some things you can do to increase the length of time your batteries stay charged. Let’s start with the three biggest sources of power drain. The LCD screen takes up the most power. It…

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History Of Embroidery

Embroidery is an age old art form that has decorated clothing, bedding, and household goods for hundreds of years. Using colored threads to create patterns has dated back to the time of ancient Egypt, when women sewed metallic threads into clothing for decoration. The trend caught on with Babylonians, Phoenicians, and Hebrews, who all began incorporating embroidered pieces into their…

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The Lincoln Cent Part 3 The Many Changes

No real changes occurred in the cent from 1918 through 1942. In 1943, the cent would again see a dramatic change although not to its design, but rather due to shortages of copper caused by the war. At the time of World War II, the one-cent coin was composed of 95 percent copper and 5 percent zinc. These metals were…

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