Hair Loss

The Path To Hair Restoration

Normal hair loss is a common occurrence. At any given time, approximately 10% of your hair is dormant and susceptible to normal shedding. The problem is when the shedding is excessive. It is when thinning hair becomes obvious that most people become concerned with hair restoration options. Some of the reasons of abnormal hair loss may include: + Health concerns…

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Hair Loss

To Hear For A Lifetime Listen Up

In case you haven’t heard, a flurry of recent publicity is stirring up worries that portable audio players such as iPods (MP3 players) will cause hearing problems if they are played too loudly. Experts on hearing loss are glad that the public is learning to turn down the volume on these popular items. However, some believe all of this media…

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Hair Loss

Provillus Hair Loss Treatment

Provillus is a non-prescription oral supplement to aid hair growth and reverse hair loss. Provillus for men does this by blocking the production of an androgen called DHT (Dihydrotestosterone), which clogs up hair follicles, leading to increasingly thinner hair an eventual baldness in men. Provillus also claims to revive dormant or nearly dead hair follicles, which most other hair loss…

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Hair Loss

The Top 3 Reasons For Losing Your Hair

According to scientists, there are three causes of alopecia in either men or women. Too much DHT Pseudo-oestrogen chemicals Lack of vital nutrients DHT Free testosterone is broken down into DHT (a more potent form of testosterone). This chemical binds to the hair follicle receptors blocking vital nutrients from accessing the hair. The hair becomes miniaturized and thin and eventually…

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Hair Loss

Scalp Eczema 3

Scalp Eczema 3 If you have scalp eczema, then you know just how horribly irritating and potentially embarrassing it can be. However, you are not alone. Many people worldwide also suffer daily from this problem. Eczema is a condition that can show up anywhere on the body where there is skin, but for some reason scalp eczema is more prevalent…

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Hair Loss

Herbs For Hair Growth

Hair is made up of a protein called keratin. The hair that we see and care so much about is actually nothing but dead cells. The part that is living is below the scalp and is called the follicle. Near the follicle are the sebaceous glands that make the hair look vibrant and shiny. These sebaceous glands make the hair…

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Hair Loss

Hair Loss Help

Long, lustrous and silky hair are trade mark of many, especially females. A female’s hair are her best natural accessories to carry and obviously show and even compete with her same sex friends. But if you are amongst those 60% of the females, who is suffering / with hair problems, then you know the shock of being less haired over…

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Hair Loss

Female Pattern Hair Loss It Depends On The Genes

Female pattern hair loss is very common nowadays due to hectic schedules and stress. Stress is the main cause of female hair loss. Women rarely become bald, but hair loss is common. If more than 100 hairs falls from your head while applying oil or when you shower then you need to take proper steps to control hair loss. Men…

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