Goal Setting

The Magic Of Dreaming Big

If you don’t dream big enough, you major in minor things. A sad fact of life is that people don’t live to achieve their fullest potential. Most of the time, the act of surviving consumes them. Earning enough to live a comfortable lifestyle takes up all their time. And in the end, they have yet to find meaning and fulfilment…

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Goal Setting

Work Satisfying Goals

Every business talks of goals. No business can run without goals and no business can achieve anything without goals. The goals give direction to the business about where to head and what to achieve. Therefore for every business, goals are most important. Generally businesses set SMART Goals – specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-based. What about our personal goals in…

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Goal Setting

Getting To The Top By Fits And Starts

I would venture to believe that most people have the qualities to make them a success. Then why are not more of them successful? One observation is; by not following through on actions that they started with. They have victory in sight and then do you want to know what they do? Settle For Mediocrity! Have you ever known someone…

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Goal Setting

60 Minutes To Clear Goals

I think that most people would agree that the people who have goals are more successful than those who do not have any. I often talk about leadership and management. Leadership is about doing the right things while management is about doing things right. Often when we study time management, we study efficiency (doing things right) and make the assumption…

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Goal Setting

Go Beyond Goals And Achieve Your Dream

As important as goal setting is, goals alone do not ensure that you will achieve the success you desire. A written goal is not some kind of magic talisman whereby whatever you set your heart on manifests in your life out of thin air. That being the case, what is it that makes the difference between a person who achieves…

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Goal Setting

The Power Of Positive Thought

Is it possible that the world’s greatest achievers think completely differently from the majority? Do you think the Wright brothers could ever have achieved what they did if they hadn’t believed it could be done? Was Mark Spitz’s seven gold medals in swimming a result of I can’t do this? Not to mention Christopher Columbus – imagine that!!!! Have you…

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Goal Setting

Going Beyond Goal Setting

I just Googled the phrase “goal setting”, and found approximately 3,600,000 web pages that relate in some way to that phrase. This shouldn’t surprise us, because conventional wisdom is that goal setting is an important skill. It is easy to document both through anecdotal evidence as well as through research that setting goals can help us achieve more. There are…

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Goal Setting

Ten Top Tips For Successfully Setting Goals

“Goals. There’s no telling what you can do when you get inspired by them. There’s no telling what you can do when you believe in them. And there’s no telling what will happen when you act upon them.” ~ Jim Rohn Would you like to achieve positive results in your life and get what you really want? This tried and…

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Goal Setting

Different Types Of Goals That Take You To Success

Leaders set goals. But they often set only one type of goal, and in so doing they set themselves up for failure. Here is the complete tool kit. 1) Achievement goals – These describe results that you will have when you finish the goal. Examples include: retire with a million dollars at age 65, earn a promotion by June, increase…

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