Goal Setting

The Key To Perseverance

The Definition Of Perseverance From a dictionary: “Persisting in or remaining constant to a purpose, idea or task in spite of obstacles.” Notice it doesn’t start, “Wisely persisting…” Perseverance can clearly be both a good thing and a bad thing. Remember that when you find yourself wanting to quit something. Quitting might be the wisest choice. Of course, the problem…

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Goal Setting

How To Maximize Goals

Do you want to get better results from daily exercises such as affirmations and visualizations, develop a better relationships with your inner self and get in touch with your personal power every moment of the day? The key to all of these things is energy. If you can learn to control the flow of energy within you, you can achieve…

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Goal Setting

5 Ways To Supersize Your Life

McDonald’s does it, why shouldn’t you? Life is filled with choices; why not choose to live life in a more satisfying way. 1. Say Yes to Life. “Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact.” -Henry James Saying yes to life allows wonderful blessings to come to you. Say…

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Goal Setting

Your Life Is Worth Living

“You know, there are two good things in life, freedom of thought and freedom of action.” by W. Somerset Maugham. This is an amazing and powerful quote that everyone should stop and really think about. There’s nothing better than having your own freedom in your life. This can be accomplished by taking action and learning to manifest your life to…

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Goal Setting

Goal Setting Attainment

I am sure that many of you are deep into the drama and excitement of the holiday season. There is so much to be done and so much to think about and consider that many can hardly think of anything else. However, when the excitement is over, our attention typically turns the closing of one year and the beginning of…

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Goal Setting

How To Improve Your Life Every Day

Growing Towards Excellence. Would you like to become a better person? If I did a survey asking people this question, I’m sure I would receive 100% response YES! Let me ask you a question: “Who started today deciding on one thing they were going to be aware of and work on today to make them a better person?” I asked…

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Goal Setting

Is There Such A Thing As Christian Goal Setting

There sure is! Applying the Biblical word “plan” for goal setting, it’s clear that God has plans and so do people. God blesses righteous plans and blasts away ones that aren’t so righteous! Above all, goals and plans are subject to the will of God. Is goal planning even Biblical? You bet! God gives people plans: “[King David] gave [Solomon]…

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Goal Setting

It S Time To Check Your Vision

Have you been having trouble achieving a specific goal? Are you allowing other less important things to get in the way of accomplishing what you really want? Then this is the time to do a VISION check. Just as it is important to get our eyes checked regularly to assure that we will be able to see clearly, it is…

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Goal Setting

Eight Steps To Achieve Any Goal

Know exactly what you want This may sound obvious but unless you know exactly what you want, how can you achieve it? The more details, numbers, dates you can plan the better. You need a very clear focus of what you do want in order to receive it. ——————————————————————————– Write down your goals This is one technique that sorts out…

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Goal Setting

Do Goals Really Work

I was talking to a friend of mine this morning about her financial goals for the year. After listening to her for a few minutes, I interrupted to ask how she felt about those goals. There was a long pause. Finally, I asked if I could share my thoughts about goals – why I don’t set them for myself, and…

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