
Spring Planting Tips

Spring means that the garden centers are packed with people, and car trunks are packed with plants. Everybody has dirt on their knees, dirt under their nails, and is excited about gardening. To make certain that this excitement yields positive results, let’s discuss the basics in this article of spring planting tips. Installing new plants and having them grow successfully…

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The Dutch Garden In England

The Dutch garden is said to have been brought to England by William III, though some of its characteristics might have been discovered there before his day. It was an adaptation of the French and Barocco styles, hardly to be called original, but comprising certain features at least individual. This individuality was due to the limited extent of terra-firma and…

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Lawn Care Faq

Q: How often should I cut my lawn? A: As part of quality lawn care, regular cutting with a mower should be observed and the grass should be cut to an even height. Cutting your lawn once per week should be sufficient. Q: What is the purpose of raking my lawn? A: This is commonly done in order to remove…

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Tip Top Trailing Plants For Containers

Introducing the top three trailing plants for containers this season. – Bidens ferulifolia Within your containers, consider planting Bidens ferulifolia commonly known as the “Tickseed” or “Apache beggar tick”. Gardeners who require trailing colour for containers or hanging baskets often opt for this native of North America and Mexico. Tickseed stems are quite slender, these fine stems can be expected…

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Herb Gardening

Herbs have been around since time immemorial. Ever since, herbs have served different kinds of purposes. Herbs have been used to treat illness and also in cooking. They were even believed to have magical charms. Do you want to have your own herb garden? Here are a few ideas on how to establish an herb garden. Plan you garden. Consider…

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Garden Benches An Added Attraction To Your Garden

Out door garden benches are ideal for a gulp of fresh air, relaxation and also for enjoying the greenery. Handcrafted Cedar Garden Bench is made up of Red Cedar wood coupled with gentle carving and easy back gives sitting enjoyment. Garden Benches are selected based on the size of the garden. Varieties of garden benches ranging from simple garden benches…

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Soil Erosion Control

Soil erosion is a costly problem, so it is very important to plan ahead when buying a home. Making sure soil erosion control and rain damage prevention are done right during the original landscaping and building of your home will lead to a nicer overall yard and keeping your yearly maintenance costs down. The by-product of soil erosion is sediment.…

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The Meaning Behind Birth Flowers

For as long as we all remember, flowers have always been given as gifts for any occasion. We give flowers as gifts simply because flowers are beautiful and their beauty pleases everyone. The act of giving flowers is also a language in itself. Each flower is said to have its very own meaning, and the meaning of a particular flower…

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Information About The Indoor Bonsai Plant

Do you have a green thumb, or just the desire to grow your own plants, but find that you are restricted by lack of space? The Bonsai Plant may be the answer to your dilemma. Cultivating the Bonsai Plant has become very popular, partly for the fact that they don’t take much space, and they are a very decorative addition…

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