
Acknowledge Your Depression

Depression is an illness and needs to be acknowledged as such. It is not a reason to be ashamed. The reason so many people fail to seek help for their depression is that they are ashamed. Unfortunately, this is one of the feelings associated with depression anyway and makes the illness difficult to acknowledge. If you are constantly feeling particularly…

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Depressed Wise Woman Ways Offer A Helping Hand

Winter time is depression time for many women. Perhaps it is harder to look at the bright side when days are short, perhaps the holidays and family demands take their toll on us. Of course, depression can also be triggered by lack of thyroid hormone and by use of steroids, high blood pressure drugs, and ERT/HRT. But most often the…

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Depression is a very serious matter, which does not discriminate. Depression doe not care what your age is, what gender you are, or even what your race or social class is. Depression can often make a person feel sad, helpless, hopeless, and irritable. It is normal for people to have these feeling sometimes, but some people cannot just snap out…

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All About Clinical Depression

Depression, a mental illness that is often characterized by prolonged periods of sadness and melancholy, experts from the field of psychiatry say. But just because one person is moping around and just generally hating the world around him or her, doesn’t mean that it’s already depression, but if this kind of behavior, the feeling of emptiness, loss of self-worth and…

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Top Natural Depression Remedies

Most cases of depression if not all can be helped with treatment, but many people are too scared to seek treatment. They may be afraid of the questions that a therapist might ask, or they may be afraid of the medication that is designed to help with depression, but untreated depression is a very dangerous thing. There are some natural…

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Depression Self Help

One of the problems that affect us humans is a state of mind referred to as depression. Exactly what is depression? Why do we suddenly find ourselves stuck in a sea of inertia, unable to think positively, unable to hold on to positive thoughts, frozen in a zombie like state of inactivity? Even experts disagree on the core causes of…

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Stop Anxiety Attacks Review

Some people don’t even realize that they are having anxiety attacks, until they know what the definition of one is. An anxiety attack is a strong sensation that creates fear in oneself, as the symptoms can seem like you are actually dying. If you are someone who suffers from these kinds of attacks, it is important to know as much…

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The Hawthorne Effect In Eeg Biofeedback And Subliminal Training

The Hawthorne Effect is a little known phenomenon of the unconscious mind. A person starts training at something “new”. For a few hours or days, there is significant improvement in this training, then, suddenly, no improvement or in some few cases, a reverse in training is experienced. No one “knows” exactly why this phenomenon is a factor in various educational…

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