
Final Year Project

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Factors To Consider When Choosing A Nursing School

Nearly every major city and a lot of not so major ones has at least one accredited nursing school. The school that you choose to attend could be a major factor in more than just the education you receive. Graduating from a well-known nursing school can put the finishing touches on your resume and guarantee you a higher starting salary,…

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Facts About Searching Jobs Abroad

Job hunting abroad can be both an opportunity and an adventure. There are hurdles to overcome when searching for the right job abroad. Let’s take going to Madrid, Paris, Rome or London for example. It’s not enough to just send resumes, the idea should be “get the luggage and get on the plane.” Getting a work permit is one obstacle…

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Facing The Fear Of Losing Your Job

Nowadays, all most everybody worries about what will happen in the future in regards to their job. The prospect of not knowing if you will be downsized can be very stressful. As a result, here is a list of techniques and suggestions on how to manage the fear of losing your job. The first step is to get into the…

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Everyone Loves Certificates

Whether you are a boss to thirty adult employees or the parent of three small children, consider what giving out reward certificates can do for you. Can you think of someone in your life that doesn’t like to be appreciated or receive recognition for a job well done? I cannot. It seems like almost everyone could use a little bit…

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Ever Wanted To Be An Acrobat?

One of my favorite things about being an elementary school teacher is talking with my students about their dreams for what they will become as they grow up. I find that children have the most innocent and endearing dreams and ambitions. So each fall I spend a couple of afternoons discussing different professions with my students and bringing professionals in…

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Executive Search For Busy People

What does executive search mean? On what caliber should a person be considered capable of executive level responsibility? Some worthy skills to be capable of are time management, people skills, creativity, budgeting, conflict management, and organization. When selecting possible employees and managers, the head of a company will search for varying levels of executive responsibilities in an individual. However, the…

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Entry-Level Jobs 101: 4 Must-Know Tips

For most people, aiming for a higher position at once is the key to job search success. However, for some people who know that in order to succeed in the job market, they have to, literally, start from scratch. This means that people who want to grow positively in the working world; they have to learn the basics and fundamental…

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Evaluating Work At Home Jobs

Check out every listing you review. Find out if there’s a salary or if you’re paid on commission. Ask how often are you paid and how you are paid. Ask what equipment (hardware/software) you need to provide. Avoid listings that guarantee you wealth, financial success or that will help you get rich fast from home. Stay clear of listings that…

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Entering Business Aviation: Training Options

Time for some training! So, you are not sure what type of training you will need or how it compares to the commercial side of aviation. For starters, there are some very big differences. Please be aware that the Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs) do not require that a flight attendant be assigned to an aircraft with fewer than 20 seats…

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