Arts Entertainment

Were You There

Were you there, when they crucified my Lord? That is the title of a well-loved old hymn. Imagine standing on that hill 2000 years ago witnessing the nailing of Jesus on the cross. Here he is already near death after a heavy crown of thorns had been sunk deeply into his skull. His back is covered with deep, oozing stripes…

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Arts Entertainment

Printing Your Own Stickers As Easy As 1 2 3

The digital technology has introduced innovative ideas on printing that has made printing into a pleasurable and enjoyable endeavor. Take for example stickers-stickers are very easy to create especially with the use of Adobe Photoshop. Sticker making has been made so easy that even kids can now create their own stickers. With the use of the shape tools in Adobe…

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Arts Entertainment

9 Ways To Gain Expert Recognition

No matter what business you are in it always helps to be seen as an expert. If you were calling someone to fix a drain or sell your house you would approach the person you saw as most credible and reputable in that area of expertise. To become an expert takes hard work and experience. It can involve study or…

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Arts Entertainment

Counting Cards How To Escape Detection

It is not a secret for anyone that casinos do not like blackjack counters and frequently ask them to leave or to play another game. Here, we will describe how casino management detects counters and how to act when caught. We also describe the countermeasures that casinos use against skilled players but most of all we show you how to…

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Arts Entertainment

Popular Art Galleries Of London

In this article, I write about some of the different art galleries which people can visit when they are in London. I would very much recommend that you make time during your trip to have a look around some of the places mentioned, as they are sure to add to your experience of visiting the capital city of England. London…

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Arts Entertainment

You Can Unleash The Great Artist Within You

The first steps of a child are always the most joyful! Children think in images. Their consciousness is not socially conditioned yet. Their first drawings, the first signs on paper, make a lot of sense to them. They put all their emotions in the first paintings. They create. They are direct. They are artists. Each of us has a little…

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Arts Entertainment

Try Your Hand At Illustration

My creative side has been blossoming in the past few months for some reason I cannot understand. Nothing in particular brought on my desire to explore my creative capabilities, I just simply started desiring to add a little spice and variety to my days. One of my first attempts at furthering my abilities in the arts was to sign up…

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