Alternative Medicine

Arthritis Relief With Tea Tree Oil

The term “arthritis” is used to refer to one or more of a group of over 100 rheumatic diseases. Quite often, arthritis is caused by the deterioration of cartilage in the joints. Symptoms of all of these diseases include pain, stiffness and swelling of the joints, and can affect other parts of the body such as other bones, muscles, tendons…

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Alternative Medicine

7 Ways To Boost Your Energy

Everyone would like to feel more energetic during the day. You naturally go through periods of higher activity which contrasts with times of relaxation. The problem occurs when more energy and concentration is required than we can give. Or when we try to sleep and can’t. Follow these invaluable tips to a new you! 1) Stay on a regular sleep…

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Alternative Medicine

Alternative Herbal Liver Cancer Cure

Our Liver Cancer Protocol incorporates lifestyle changes, including proper diet, and exercise along with herbal supplements. The herbal formulations used in our Liver Cancer medications have been clinically tested. Alternative liver cancer treatment this could save your life which contain herbal cures which are natural medications with no side effects. The information contained in this article is not intended as…

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Alternative Medicine

The Myth Of Magnetic Healing

Magnetic therapy or magnotherapy is an alternative medicine that cures certain medical disorders by exposing the body to magnetic fields. Although mainstream medical science pooh-poohs the claims made by magnotherapy and have stamped it as a pseudoscience, ardent proponents say that magnet therapy works in a non-invasive way to cure many painful conditions, primarily back disorders, arthritis and joint aches.…

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Alternative Medicine

Amla Herb Benefits Indian Gooseberry

Amla also know as amalaki, dhatriphala and in Sanskrit and Emblica officinalis scientifically, is the most widely used herb in the ayurvedic system of medicine. it maintains balance amongst three Doshas of wind, bile and phelgm (Vayu, Pitta and Cough) and effectively controls digestive problems, strengthens heart, builds up and sustains defence mechanism, improves eye sight, imparts a anatural glow…

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Alternative Medicine

Alternative Medicines That Work For Me

There is a lot of hype about alternative medicines, and some of them are certainly without much value. Of course there is a lot of hype about regular medicines, many of which do as much harm as good. The fact that natural remedies and treatments rarely hurt people as much as prescription drugs is one reason to at least try…

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Alternative Medicine

Acid Reflux Disease The Big Lie

Have you ever wondered what really causes digestive problems? Did you know that most digestive disorders are not diseases at all, but conditions which can be completely cured by using natural techniques and remedies. The medical community would have you believe that only prescription drugs can relieve the symptoms of indigestion. This is simply not the case. Antacids are, at…

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Alternative Medicine

Alleviating Anxiety With Zensight Process

Rachel looks in the mirror and notices a mark on her cheek. Immediately her breath becomes shallow, her heart races, her chest tightens, and she feels nauseated. She checks the spot more closely, and sees that it’s just a speck of dirt. She washes it off and tells herself firmly that she is fine – it wasn’t the beginning of…

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Alternative Medicine

Laxatives You Find In The Drugstore

A laxative is defined as, A substance that is used to promote a bowel movement when you are constipated. Laxatives work by starting and stimulating peristaltic action. Peristaltic action is a wave like movement that occurs throughout your gastrointestinal tract – esophagus, stomach, small intestine, colon – that helps move your food into your stomach, through your intestines, through your…

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