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Handbag Knockoffs

It is not surprising to find many fake designer handbags in the market nowadays. Many people purchase these items because they are way cheaper compared to their original counterparts that cost hundreds, even thousands of dollars. In fact, according to the International Chamber of Commerce the manufacturing and selling of fake goods actually make up 7% of the world trade.

You would have to agree with me that the craftsmanship and the exquisite work done on these knockoff or replica designer handbags have really improved over the years that even experts are having a difficulty of determining the fake over the genuine ones.

You may think that you have saved yourself some money by opting for a knockoff but have you ever thought about the consequences that come with it? While buying fake goods and merchandise is not considered a crime, you are robbing the government from the supposed taxes that these sellers are supposed to be paying. Illegal activities are also being financed from the money that syndicates get from selling these knockoff designer bags.

With the growing emergence of these famous brand copies into the market and with certain people out there who are out to defraud others by passing fake designer handbags as originals, it is very important that we bear in mind some tips to help us at least determine if we are purchasing a fake.

Research and be in the know of the price range of the particular line of designer handbags that you fancy. You can always expect replicas or knockoffs to be sold at a much cheaper price. Try to examine as well the material it is made of. Most fake designer handbags are made of materials with inferior quality although you now have to be careful because certain copiers are also trying to make them in almost the same quality as the authentic ones or what they call “first class” copies.

Originals are never sold on the street, on small kiosks, at flea markets and on auction sites (though there are a few who sell originals on auction sites but most are no longer brand new). Purchase originals from the brand’s retail outlets or boutiques. Be very cautious when going online and it is advisable that you visit the brand’s official website to be assured of an authentic buy.

Most knockoffs have the brand names misspelled, the details inaccurately and not cleanly done as well as not being packaged appropriately.

Word count: 407

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