Web Hosting

How To Monetize Your Online Event

Hosting a successful online event can be a lot of work. It is not only emotionally rewarding but could be financially rewarding as well. Here are a few ways that can help you monetize your online event:

1. Sell exhibitor spots – This means getting exhibitors to purchase a virtual booth from you. You provide them a virtual booth and advertising for their business. If you were having your event site up for one year, then, they would have that link on your site for a whole year. When you set your price for the exhibitor booth, make sure you consider all possible expenses that you can incur – like domain name purchase and hosting.

2. Sell information derived from your online event – If you do recorded audio interviews, and transcripts, you could sell those as a downloadable product to your visitors/participants. You could sell them ala carte (individually) or as a bundled package.

3. Generate a Mailing list from your online event – The mailing list that you generate from your online event is going to be a targeted list because you know these subscribers are interested in what you have to offer. You can use this list and offer them products most especially if you are an affiliate for products that are of interest to this target market. You can recommend products to this list and generate an income from sales of products to your mailing list. Just remember that this particular list signed because of your online event – when recommending products to them, make sure it falls with in the interest of that list. You probably will not like to send recommendations for fishing ebooks if you generated this list from a Mom-related Online Event.

These are just some of the ways you can make money off of your online event. Think of your online event as a seed that in time will grow fruits. The money you can generate from your online event using the methods mentioned above are comparable to the fruits you can pick and enjoy later.

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