Web Hosting

Fresh Content With Plr Articles In 10 Minutes

The purpose of this article is to hopefully help those of you that can’t seem to rework those PLR articles into fresh content the search engines will love. First of all I would like to say upfront I can’t guarantee you will take every PLR article and make it unique in 10 min. Simply said I don’t know you and each person has different situations for instance some of you may be able to type 100 wpm while others are hunt and peck typers.

What I am stating is I personally have taken articles and made them unique within 10 minutes. In some cases it has taken 30 minutes to an hour depending on the type and length of the content.

If you own lots of Private Label Rights Articles and they’re just sitting on your hard drive because you feel it just takes to long to make them unique or too expensive to have them rewritten then you’ll want to read this article.

Some of the things you can do with PLR articles is turn them into a paid product, or add them to another PLR ebook to make a new product all together.

You really just want to make yourself a little more unique than everyone else out there promoting the same PLR ebooks and articles and by combining PLR’s together, you can be more unique.

Another really good idea is to make audio eBooks out of some of the PLR articles you have not doing anything but sitting on your hard drive. Audio files are an easier way for folks to get the information they are looking for but would rather not read it.

Not only is the audio files more convenient but you can also charge more for this type of media due to the perceived value and the ease of use.

Now that I’ve given you some ideas of what can be done with articles and eBooks I’ll go ahead and walk through one of the methods I use. With that said lets go ahead and get started!

First of all you need to change the title to something that is a good match to the content and also something that would have one or two good keywords in the title.

Normally I’ll take an article that has around 500 words and add a short paragraph at the start and maybe at the close usually only the start is sufficient.

After the title is changed and a paragraph is added then it’s time for the content to be changed. I’ve found the quickest way to do this is as I’m reading through the article change the words into my own. Perhaps I’ll add a sentence or delete a sentence as I’m going through the content this really is Dependant on the flow of the original article.

Once this has been completed it’s time to proof read the new article. Finally after any errors are corrected I’ll read the entire article one more time to make sure that it has good content and that people will genuinely benefit from the content.

The final step is to get my article published. I use Isnare.com the reason I use them is they will distribute your article to over 40,000 publishers and hundreds of article sites. They charge a fee per. article but it’s well worth the money and the time you save by submitting only one time.

I hope you have enjoyed this article and it has been helpful.

Word count: 593

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