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Are 99 Of The Survey Sites On The Net Scams The Answer Is Quot No Quot

Are 99% of the survey sites on the Net Scams?

If you read what every blog declares and what every random Joe says that has a web page, the answer is “Yes”. The truth is, though, that a majority of the Survey/Offer websites are actually quite legit. Some might take months to pay you and some might not have a high approval rate, but out of the 40 or so “Pay Per Offer”, “Paid Survey”, or “trial offer” type site that I have signed up with over the past 2 years, I have been paid by 35 of them. Now, that is a far cry from the 99% mark that you have probably seen all over the internet.

The question you should be asking yourself, instead of “Which is a scam?”, is “Which ones are easy and will pay me the fastest?”.

100% of the Paid Survey sites that I have joined over the years are absolutely free to join. You should never have to pay a fee to access any of the surveys. Never. The sites that make you pay a fee to join just give you information that you could have gotten by yourself, for free. There are a few different types of survey sites out there, and I will explain each one very briefly.

The first type of Paid Survey site is the kind that actually sends you emails about new products, cars, shaving cream, cola, etc. They actually pay you money, usually $1 to $10, for you to give your opinion on different products. I must admit, some of these are very fun. A few of the companies will even send you the product in the mail and PAY you to try it out for a week. I have gotten to try many products, including Cheez-its, Gilette shaving gel, and a new kind of Colgate toothpaste. Each paid me about ten bucks simply for trying each one out.

The second tyope of Paid Survey site is really not a “Paid Survey” site at all. There is nothing wrong with that, though. They call themselves that just to drive traffic to their site, but once you get in, is is more of a “Ad Viewing” site. These sites pay you anywhere from $.50 to $3.00 for entering things such as your email address to different companies. It might not sound like much money, but it can add up very quickly as I have found out. These type of Survey sites also pay you to sign up for free trials, or other low cost trials. For example, you would click their affiliate link to Blockbuster which states, “Sign up for Blockbuster’s 30 day, $9.99 trial and we will pay you $16.00″. When you complete that offer, you just made yourself $6 in about a minutes time. You can cancel before the 30 day trial ends and you still get to keep the $16. This type of offer is where the real money is made concerning this type of Paid Survey site.

There are also Paid Survey websites that try to sell you a database of paid surveys. They try to lure you to purchase their “program” or whatever they call it with sales letters about how they make thousands monthly or even weekly. While I can not say that these letters are dishonest I can say that I have never heard of anybody who makes their full time income taking paid surveys outside of these types of websites. Again, you should NEVER have to pay when signing up to a Survey site. Also, you should know which sites are the best to join, because of things like quick payouts and an active forum.

Word count: 601

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