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Working From Home Finding The Time

When you start out to work from home, it probably seems like you are going to be able to work at your convenience. It might seem like a marvelous luxury to be able to sleep a bit longer and to start work in your bathrobe or better yet, get the kids off to school and go back to bed. It is very nice indeed to not be tied down to a bosses schedule or to have to decide things based upon what a boss says you can and can’t do. Its also nice to be able to get work done in advance and take a few days off of work without having to worry about whether or not anyone is going to miss you at the office. However, finding time to get your work done can actually end up presenting a problem for you.

Suddenly, when you start to work from home, there are things that need to be done at home and you find yourself needing to do them. There are errands to be run that you never had time to do before you started to work from home and there are things that you are trying to get finished that you think you can put work aside in order to do. You might find that its hard to find the time to work from home, because suddenly there is a lot more to do than you thought there was. Because you are your own boss, who is to tell you how to allocate your time. And then, at the end of the day, you discover that you have not gotten any work done!

The best thing to do is to set a schedule for yourself and for your work day. Yes, its nice to be able to work from home and therefore not have to do any work when you don’t’ want to. However, we do need a schedule and a routine to make sure that we are getting everything done that needs to be done in our lives. In order to make sure that you are getting your work done, a schedule is something that is going to benefit you. You can still choose when you want to work, just make sure that you block out enough time to get your daily work done, and then make that time of each day your actual work time. Unplug the phone and try not to surf the web. Also, turn off the television and actually be at work. Even if you are in the comfort of your own home, if you can do something that makes it feel like you are at work you are going to see that you are benefiting from being at work and able to get your work done. Try getting up with the kids, shower, dresss, get them to school and then get to work. Just like you did when you didn’t work from home. Tell yourself that even though you are your own boss, the BOSS says it’s time to go to work.

This is something that is very important because if you don’t have a set time to do your work each day, there is a chance that you aren’t going to get your work done and that working from home will end up being less profitable than it could be.

Word count: 561

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