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Success In Coming Home

“Somehow I can’t believe there are many heights that can’t be scaled by a man who knows the secret of making dreams come true. This special secret can be summarized in four C’s. They are: curiosity, confidence, courage, and constancy, and the greatest of these is confidence.” – Walt Disney

Stan Wilson had been involved in writing and editing a newspaper for more than two decades. He had written to assignment and word count, but when his son needed someone reliable to take care of his son while he worked, Stan received the motivation he needed to establish a home-based business.

In 2001, Stan left an established job with a reputable daily paper in the Midwest and started his own small monthly publication. In the process he had the chance to become full-time grandpa. The success of his monthly publication allows him to become a success at being a grandpa.

As the years pass, Stan remains surprised that his little paper is still widely accepted. At a time when newspapers are seeing a decline in advertising, Stan’s monthly paper is routinely filled to capacity with needed advertising.

Stan is one of a growing contingent of workers who made the decision to immerse themselves in home-based business simply because they felt the need to connect with their family in a more meaningful way.

So, Stan joins others who are able to take their children or grandchildren to the park or museum and not have to wonder if they would be able to get the time off. Stan would not have to tell his grandson that he just couldn’t make it to a ball game because he had a report to prepare for a stockholder’s meeting or an article that needed to be written before he could go anywhere.

“Don’t confuse fame with success. Madonna is one; Helen Keller is the other.” – Erma Bombeck

Many home-based business owners are finding a location just out of the spotlight where they can manage the affairs of their business while engaged in the success of being parent, friend or civic leader.

The job performance reports no longer hold much importance to those who have learned what it means to find a better balance between career passion and personal success. Indeed, there are many who cannot envision working in any other way.

“The key to happiness is having dreams. The key to success is making your dreams come true.” – Anonymous

Word count: 406

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