Health Fitness

Some Helpful Facts On Pain And Tramadol

We all experience pain. Pain is a feeling or sensation that is felt as a result of the normal functions of the nervous system. It may come and go, or it may be constant. A person may feel pain in one area of the body such as the back, abdomen, or chest. Much worse, the pain may be felt all…

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Health Fitness

Sports Injury An Athlete S Worst Nightmare

Sports injury…it is every athletes’ worst nightmare. For professional sportsmen and women, a major injury could be the end of their career. Breaking an ankle, dislocating a shoulder or hip, or having unbearable pain in the knees could cause an athlete to lose the opportunity to gain honor, fame, and fortune in the field of sports. For individuals who engage…

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Health Fitness

Managing Side Effects Of Pain Relievers

Millions of men and women over 60 share the same struggle with pain and stiffness in their joints. The ailment can be traced to a number of reasons but it is commonly called Arthritis. Arthritis is characterized by the painful swelling and inflammation of the joints. In the United States alone, it is estimated that there will be nearly 70…

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Health Fitness

Doing Dead Lift Exercises The Proper Way

Individuals who want to improve their strength, posture, and overall health usually include dead lift exercises in their fitness program. This exercise is an integral component of a strength development program that virtually works every muscle in the body and emphasizes hips, thighs, buttocks, lower back, the shoulders, and the forearms. These body parts are the postural chain of the…

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