
The Truth About Taking Your Dog To The Dog Park

This idea of taking your dog to a dog park is not a good one. Why? Because: #1) It’s not natural for the dog. We’re not talking about human children who need to be socialized with other kids throughout their infancy. Dogs learn dominant and submissive behavior and how to interact with other dogs from 6 to 8 weeks of…

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Distinguishing Of Your Temperament

Psychology is a very interesting science. With the help of it’s achievements we can research the hidden corners of our souls. This can be really exciting and even make you discover something new about your personality and traits of your character. You can make numerous tests to determine what will your reaction be to a certain event, how you act…

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Choosing A Dog Things Everyone Should Look For

When the moment arrives for selecting a dog of your own, you should have a good idea of what you are looking for. If you are primarily concerned with finding an average dog, we highly recommend your local animal shelter. Not only will you be helping to relieve the local over population of animals as well as possibly rescuing a…

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Choosing The Right Dog For You And Your Family

Dogs seek out people and take obvious pleasure in their company. They often fulfill a childlike role and are dependent in their owners for most of their life. This dependency works both ways and your dog becomes part of your family. It makes sense to try to match your lifestyle and preferences to the temperament and needs of the dog.…

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What Is Personality

In their opus magnum “Personality Disorders in Modern Life”, Theodore Millon and Roger Davis define personality as: “(A) complex pattern of deeply embedded psychological characteristics that are expressed automatically in almost every area of psychological functioning.” (p. 2) The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM)) IV-TR (2000), published by the American Psychiatric Association, defines personality traits as: “(E)nduring patterns of perceiving,…

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