
Dietary Supplements Do We Need Them

No dietary supplement can provide that, but with the assiduous use of vitamins and minerals, we can often achieve optimum health for our age group and certainly ease the symptoms of diseases we may suffer from. Dietary supplements can be divided into two main types; nutritional, (vitamins and minerals and amino acids) and botanical (herbal types). But is it really…

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Are Liquid Supplements Right For Your Healthy Diet

Liquid nutrition products like Ensure ™ and Boost ™ have been used almost exclusively in nursing homes and hoispitals, until recently. Lately we have seen nutritional companies marketing these drinks to people of all ages and all stages of health. Liquid supplements are supposed to be the answer for busy moms running around with the kids, business people running out…

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How Healthy Are The Strength Supplements That We Are Using Today

We’ve all heard of steroids, prohormones, and protein powders. And we know that the supplement industry is a billion dollar industry, often feeding on the weaknesses of people hoping to make dramatic changes to their physiques in a short period of time. But how do we know which muscle building supplements are the most popular, and how they affect the…

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The Polysaccharide Supplement Better That Any Other Vitamin

Polysaccharides are the first biopolymers that have formed on our planet. They are in fact complex carbohydrates composed of many monosaccharides bound together and with complex branches of molecules. There are a few types of polysaccharides. Among these the most common are: – Glycogen, which is the same substance as the animal glucose and a different form of the normal…

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Health Fitness

What Are Vitamins And Why You Need Them

We must obtain vitamins from natural foods, or dietary supplements in order to sustain life. When I mention the word vitamin, most people think pill. Thinking pill brings to mind confusing images of medicine and drugs. Though vita- mins can and certainly often do the work of both medicine and drugs, they are neither. Quite simply, vitamins are organic substances…

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Dietary Therapy High Fiber Diets

Can high-fiber diets really do all they claim to do? Studies have looked at the relationship between high-fiber diets and many diseases, including colon cancer, coronary heart disease and diabetes. Proven benefits of a high-fiber diet include prevention and treatment of constipation, hemorrhoids and diverticulosis. In addition, certain types of fiber help decrease blood cholesterol levels. Dietary fiber comes from…

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Natural Dog Joint Health Supplement Velvet Antler

Just as we take supplements to stay healthy, our dogs need nutritional supplements to help prevent the damage caused over time to joints, bones, and cartilage and to improve mobility, flexibility, and promote overall energy and well-being. Most dogs who are diagnosed with arthritis or hip dysplaysia are prescribed non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs. Many of these drugs actually…

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Health Fitness

Taking Care Of Your Hair With Vitamins

While many people know that vitamins are good for you health, very few have yet to discover hair vitamin supplements. It may sound a little sill that you can get hair vitamins that will actually accelerate hair growth. But it is true. There are hair vitamin supplements on the market today that have been proven to accelerate hair growth. If…

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