
A Time To Take Stock, After Loosing Your Job

In today’s highly volatile and ever-evolving job market, job security is fast becoming a thing of the past. Hundreds of thousands of people are laid off each year, and this figure is on the rise, so you are not alone! But depending on how long you were at your last job, you may find that you are somewhat rusty when…

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Web Hosting

Course Correcting For Growth

Expanding a company is a process requiring constant change. One key quality for a leader is the ability to get back on track when something has gone awry Sure, competency, reliability, professionalism, a positive attitude, and respect for others are the qualities that will get you into the leadership game. But what do you do once you’re a player? If…

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Stock Market

So You D Like To Daytrade Or Not

How to (not) DayTrade So you’d like to earn your living DayTrading? You have all heard the stories of losing DayTraders running down the streets shooting people? During the heady .com days prior to 2001, (when Bush became president,) there were stocks, 3 or 4 times a week that went up from 30 to 200% a day. It was possible,…

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Wealth Building

The Internet Makes Stock Trading Easier

The stock market can be extremely intimidating and it’s complexity scares off many people from even getting into the stock market. Do not be intimidated and let your fears prevent you from participating in the stock market and getting your share of the pie. Today, thanks to the internet, it is so much easier to learn about the stock market,…

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The Art Of Picking A Penny Stock

Should Wiley E. Coyote ever get into buying stocks, I have no doubt he would stack his portfolio with shares of ACME. I’m just not so sure any savvy penny stock investor should follow the economic advice of a coyote. Investors of the two-legged kind, whether they’re looking at a penny stock or a blue chip behemoth, tend to take…

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Stock Market

Trading Software Profit Machines Or Losers

Thousands of people every day trade on the worlds stock markets, with the majority now using software to aid them, but does it help them make more money? This software is known as a ‘bot’, short for robot, but it is only ever as good as the user. If the user does not know how to trade successfully on his…

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Wealth Building

Analyze Your Stocks And Double Your Profit

An investor buys a share of stock by resorting to various approaches that validate his investment by reaping rich profits. Before investing, however, it is necessary for a value investor to study the financials of a business, so that the stock he buys at the company’s intrinsic value promises a greater return at its liquidation value (the value of a…

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Wealth Building

Stock Market Advice From Chicken Little

One day, while Chicken Little was walking in the woods, an acorn fell and hit him on his head. “Goodness gracious me!” said Chicken Little, “The sky is falling, the sky is falling. I must go warn everyone.” We see this all the time. The stock market goes straight up for eight or nine months, and if there are 2…

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Wealth Building

Basic Stock Trading

Many investors have a rudimentary understanding of how stocks are traded, but they do not fully understand how things trade. There are many horror stories. An investor sees their stock slipping, knows it will slip further, so puts in an overnight trade only to learn later that stocks continue to fall after the local market closes. Or, an investor believes…

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Wealth Building

Types Of Stock Market Investors

There are as many different types of stock market investors as there are stocks to invest in. There is no one ‘bad’ type of investor, and there is no group of investors who will do better than the rest of the pack. Each personality type works in a different way. The stock markets need all types of investors to maintain…

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