Auto Leasing

Luxury Cars And Resale Values

When it comes to ultra-luxury, high-end vehicle leasing, there is no doubt that the best deals are those cars that hold their value. With this in mind, we single out a few truths about residual values that consistently apply to high-end leasing. The most determining factor when it comes to resale values is public perception of the brand, not its…

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Home Improvement

Roofing Insurance Considerations

You should be under no illusions; roofing can be a dangerous job. Working at such heights and often in some fairly extreme conditions means that workers are put at risk on a fairly regular basis. If a company is held liable for any injuries or accidents to workers then without worker’s compensation insurance they may be forced to pay out…

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Hello From Nova Scotia A Halifax City Tour Part I

Well, in the few hours that I had spent so far in this city, Halifax had already shown itself from its best side. After my fairly late arrival yesterday I had a chance for a brief walk along the waterfront before I saw an amazing performance of DRUM! – an inspiring and heart-pumping musical kaleidoscope of Nova Scotia’s four principal…

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New York City Schools Include Charters

There have been many instances over the past 20 years or so where people have been so unhappy about the schools that they have decided to step up and do something about it. In response to this discontent, charter schools have been formed. For many New York City Schools families, charters appear to be the way to go. Virtually anyone…

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K12 Education

Cleveland Schools Open Applications For New Magnet School

John Hay High School John Hay High School is poised to host the two newest additions to the Cleveland Schools’ long list of academically challenging magnet schools. Rather than focusing on only one discipline, John Hay High School will develop two completely separate programs for specially selected students. As part of its mission to better serve the students of the…

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Who Impacts Washington D C Schools

As nation’s capitol, and one of the countries most watched districts, the Washington D.C. Schools are at the forefront of controversy and change. Declining enrollment, voucher programs, and curriculum changes, have all been hot topics in Washington D.C. Schools over the past few years. One of the benefits of attending school in the capitol city is that it’s where decisions…

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Who Do School Rankings Benefit

Increased Interest in School Rankings It’s difficult to remember a time when the public school system in this country was under greater scrutiny. Newsweek is running features on the subject, there are a plethora of sites online that cater to a growing demand for comprehensive school rankings, and that most vociferous of public speech mechanisms, the blogosphere, has enough to…

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Ezine Marketing

Churning Out Ezine Content

Creating your own content can be a challenge if you publish your own online newsletter or eZine. However, regardless of any topic you are publishing on, types of contents can be generally divided into four categories, namely factual content, short tips, mini stories and case studies. Other than writing your own content, you can get your own unique content the…

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Some Homeschooling Options

There are certainly instances where children can’t attend regular public schools. Or, perhaps their parents will choose to have their children educated in a different manner.for many parents this different manner is homeschooling. In fact, each and every year a growing number of parents are discovering and taking advantage of the homeschooling option in their state. One of the options…

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Public Speaking

Public Speaking Why All The Fuss

When asked, the majority of people in the US would claim that there greatest fear is getting up in front of a crowd and giving a speech. People 100 years ago would not say that public speaking was their worst fear, but they had more threatening things to worry about right? I’m talking about things like war, and wild animals,…

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