Health Fitness

The Parasite In Humans The Bitter Truth

The parasite is not just a problem faced by animals…it has also become a problem in humans. It has been estimated that 85 to 95% of people worldwide are now infested by different types of parasites. As a matter of fact, there have now been 381 species found in human beings. The parasite location goes like this: Parasite infections in…

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Health Fitness

The Skin Explained

The skin is one of the largest organs in the body. The skin is an organ of the body just like our liver, kidneys etc. Most people think of the skin as simply a cover for the body and do not tend to associate it with the rest of the system. As with all of the other organs in our…

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Alternative Medicine

Acupuncture Fast Escape From Infertility

Primarily a Chinese remedy, acupuncture is a complementary modern treatment that cures infertility problems in both men and women. Acupuncture for infertility is most effective for those people who are suffering from problems like irregular ovulation, or blockage in the sperm ducts. Acupuncture works in a way different from all types of typical medicines Acupuncture fertility works in this way.…

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Disease Illness

Chronic Scleroderma

What is Scleroderma? – Scleroderma is a chronic disease characterized by excessive deposits of collagen. In order to better understand Scleroderma it helps if you have some understanding as to what collagen is. What is Collagen? – Collagen is a fibrous protein that occurrsn bone, cartilage and connective tissue. It is a major structural protein that forms molecular cables to…

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