Health Fitness

Cause Of Obesity In The World Today

Why are people obese? What causes it? Is it due to laziness and unhealthy living? On the other hand, is it due to genetic make up? Medical researcher shave investigated into the causes of obesity and their findings support all of these theories. They have come up with the fact that it is not only one thing that makes you…

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Weight Loss

Evade The Mental Trauma Of Childhood Obesity

Children have more energy requirements since they are in the growing stage. A nutritive diet is essential for their healthy development. Unlike adults, children are more prone to diseases. When they consume more number of calories than they actually burn, the extra calories get stored in their body in the form of fats. Childhood obesity is of immense concern today.…

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Weight Loss

The Obesity Solution Secret How To Eat To Lose Fat

I used to interview elite bodybuilders on their training and eating for a living and did this for years and years. One reoccurring theme that kept popping up when talk turned to diet/nutrition was how much food top bodybuilders packed away on a daily basis. These men taught their bodies how to handle continually greater amounts of calories without becoming…

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Weight Loss

The Big The Fat And Ugly Story

Makes a good movie title, doesn’t it? Interestingly, it is and there seems to be a lot of voluntary actors – children, adults and old alike who are actively taking part in it. Now the question is, “Are you one of them?” Big, fat and ugly is the last thing one desires to be. But because of impulsive eating disorders,…

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Health Fitness

Super Size Baby The Causes Of Child Obesity

As a child, do you remember being given a lot of food and being told to gulp down every single bit of it? Have you encountered parents who think that fat children make healthy and happy children? These are among the reasons for the rise of child obesity cases worldwide. What is obesity? Obesity means having too much fat content…

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Health Fitness

What Kills More Cigarettes Smoking Or Obesity

People who are either obese or smoking, even both are growing at a very alarming rate. While more and more people are suffering from the various diseases and complications that can be brought about by obesity and cigarette smoking, it’s still frustrating for health advocates how some people can still not care about how damaging their situation is to their…

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Health Fitness

Obesity And Poor Male Sexual Health

Obesity is one of the reasons why a lot of people suffer from many health ailments. Being obese or having too much fat than what the human body needs can lead to many health conditions like type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, arthritis, sleep apnea, and stroke. Moreover, obese men are at high risk of developing blood…

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Weight Loss

Lose Weight Or Lose 13 Years

We hear it all the time…lose weight for your health. Few people however, realize the extent to which this is critical to their physical well-being and ultimately their life expectancy. In January 2003, the Journal of the American Medical Association featured a study finding that obesity appears to lessen life expectancy, especially among young adults. The study showed an obese…

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Health Fitness

Manhood Rising From The Constriction Of Fat

Erectile dysfunction (ED), also referred to as impotence, is one of the most common ailments afflicting mature men worldwide. The main symptom of impotence is the inability to achieve and/or maintain an erection suitable for sexual intercourse. Reasons for impotence include stress, hormonal deficiency, psychological issues, pelvic trauma, neurological problems, smoking, alcohol abuse, or conditions such as diabetes and cardiovascular…

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