
What Is Digital Nail Art

How is the procedure performed? After the nails are given a basic manicure, which involves cleaning the nail, removing the cuticle and any dead skin around the edge of the nail. The nails can then be given a base coat (usually a strong white) to enhance a coloured design. Or if the client wishes to have a natural look in…

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Artificial Nails For Perfect Nails Every Day

False or artificial nails are the perfect solution for many “nail events” in your life. They are a perfect solution for replacing a broken nail. They are great as a temporary fix until your own nails grow out. And they are there – instantly. What is more, they can be applied yourself at home and, provided you select the right…

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Stop Nail Biting

Nailbiting, can be unattractive, annoying, and damage their teeth. Parents all over the world worrys about their childrens bad habits and they are also tring to convince their child not to do this anymore. Also, parents often punish their children for biting their nails. There are much effective ways to help your child stop biting his nails. You should teach…

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Unfit Unpretty Feet

Most women think that because they get regular pedicures their feet and toenails are clean and safe from infections. What they don’t realize is that women are more susceptible to toe fungus, toe fungi, toe disease, toe nail infections, and toe nail disorders. Think of the variety of shoes most women squeeze their feet into for the sake of looking…

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Understanding And Treating Your Nail Fungus

Nail fungus is an awful condition that can really be bothersome. It is a condition in which a fungus invades the skin in and around the nail bed. It can happen in either the toes or the fingers and can be quite uncomfortable as well as noticeable. But, there are several things that you can do to fight off these…

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Nail Care Techniques

Do’s and Don’ts of Nail Care 1. Do’s ” Leave your nails without nail polish once in a while atleast inorder to allow them to breathe. ” Keep a pack of hand lotion or cream near the kitchen sink and use it each time after washing your hands. ” Wear gloves while doing housework or gardening and rub some hand…

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Nail Patella Syndrome

Introduction Nail Patella Syndrome (NPS) is a form of rare genetic disorder. It causes impairment of bones, joints, nails and even kidneys. An absence or immature kneecaps and thumbnails are responsible to cause Nail Patella Syndrome in an individual. Statistics of government agencies and hospitals says that one in every 50000 newborn babies is affected by this disease. Scientists have…

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Disease Illness

Getting To The Truth About Nail Fungus

Nail fungus is something most people know very little about. We may see a few different advertisements or commercials about nail fungus treatment and prevention, but we really do not know what nail fungus actually is. Nail fungus is a fungal infection of the nail also known as onychomycosis in the medial world. Studies show that while nail fungus is…

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Nail Varnish Is Red Your Colour

What would the world do without nail varnish? Just think of all the unshiny, terrible looking, uncolourful nails we’d all have to put up with! It’d be a disaster. Well, alright, so I’m not entirely serious, but nail varnish does have some point beyond making nails look pretty. Many nail varnishes also contain substances that will protect your nails, by…

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