Mutual Funds

Why You Should Buy No Load Funds

Load is defined as the fee or the commission that an investor pays to a mutual fund at the time of purchasing or redeeming the shares of the mutual fund. If the commission is charged when the investor buys the shares, it is known as a front-end load. On the other hand if the commission is charged when the investors…

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Mutual Funds

How To Select A Mutual Fund

One of the most common ways of selecting a mutual fund is to invest with the crowd in today’s hot funds. Unfortunately, jumping from one winning fund to another is a recipe for disaster. The mutual funds that the crowd follows typically have had a hot recent performance and tend to gather all the new mutual fund sales. Investors as…

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How To Invest Wisely And Make Your Money Grow

Wise investments of your spare funds can be a great way to grow rich. These days, savings accounts offer very low interest and it is a waste to allow your money to lie in them. Based on your appetite for risk and your financial needs, you have various other investment schemes and options to choose from. It is always safer…

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Reliable Life Insurance Company Which Companies Are The Best

The life insurance industry is a carefully regulated industry. Every state has its own insurance department to monitor the activity of insurers. You very rarely hear of life insurance companies that dissolve because of financial problems. Insurance companies have to prove financial strength to operate in most states. Insurance commissioners have the authority to approve or deny rate changes. There…

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Wealth Building

Should You Invest In Mutual Funds Or Stocks

With so many options out there for the individual investor, it is sometimes difficult to determine that investments are right for you. The key to having a long-term, stable and profitable portfolio is to diversify your investments. For many investors the process of diversification includes investing in both mutual funds and stocks. The best course is to learn all you…

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Mutual Funds

Mutual Funds An Introduction And Brief History

Each one of us does not have the expertise or the time to build and manage an investment portfolio. There is an excellent alternative available – mutual funds. A mutual fund is an investment intermediary by which people can pool their money and invest it according to a predetermined objective. Each investor of the mutual fund gets a share of…

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Wealth Building

How Mutual Funds Work

Mutual funds are good options for American investors to meet their financial goals. These funds offer professional management and diversification of the funds invested. Mutual funds assets in 1990-2000 rose from 1.065 trillion to a whooping 6.965 trillion dollars. 10% Americans owned funds in 1980 and by 2000, the percentage increased to 49%. What are Mutual funds? A company dealing…

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Global Investment From Home

Because we live in a day and age when it is easy to instantly connect to other parts of the globe, our economy and financial world has become much more global in scope and significance. When investment abroad looks attractive, there are also numerous ways to participate in foreign investments, without having to leave the comfort of home. Here are…

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Wealth Building

4 Advantages Of Mutual Fund Investing

Mutual funds have grown in popularity over the last few years to the point where it’s harder to find an investor who is not using mutual funds than one who is. The popularity of mutual funds is no surprise when you consider that they are one of the easiest investments to use and require very little knowledge of the financial…

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