Web Hosting

Where Should You Locate Your Business In China

Factors that may influence your choice of location include local infrastructure, land prices and availability, human resources, local government policies and attitudes, location of your joint venture partner (if any), proximity to suppliers, and proximity to your target market (if you plan to sell your products domestically). Perhaps even more importantly, however, it is crucial that you locate your company…

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Wealth Building

Why Should I Invest In Gold

Of all the items man has used as currency, gold has far been the most prominent. It doesn’t matter if it is the most valuable, or the rarest. What does matter is that man has chosen this commodity to be a standard as a world yardstick for wealth. As a matter of fact, gold is one of the few metals…

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Currency Trading

How Is Currency Trading Different

Unlike the trading of stocks, futures or options, currency trading does not take place on a regulated exchange. It is not controlled by any central governing body, there are no clearing houses to guarantee the trades and there is no arbitration panel to adjudicate disputes. All members trade with each other based upon credit agreements. Essentially, business in the largest,…

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Investors And Experts Propose Extending The Tax Cut On Dividends

“Investors love dividends,” and that, experts say, is one reason many Americans are showing deep support for a permanent dividend tax cut. According to results of a spot survey sponsored by Eaton Vance Corporation in March, seven in ten (70 percent) Americans polled agree that the current tax cut established by the 2003 Tax Act should remain. These sentiments closely…

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The Art Of Picking A Penny Stock

Should Wiley E. Coyote ever get into buying stocks, I have no doubt he would stack his portfolio with shares of ACME. I’m just not so sure any savvy penny stock investor should follow the economic advice of a coyote. Investors of the two-legged kind, whether they’re looking at a penny stock or a blue chip behemoth, tend to take…

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Mutual Funds

Why You Should Buy No Load Funds

Load is defined as the fee or the commission that an investor pays to a mutual fund at the time of purchasing or redeeming the shares of the mutual fund. If the commission is charged when the investor buys the shares, it is known as a front-end load. On the other hand if the commission is charged when the investors…

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Web Hosting

Private Investors

Every more businesses and new ventures are failing to get anywhere past the starting line. Two of the main reasons to why some Businesses fail to take off are down to inadequate business capital and poor management skills. This is why raising money is important in the early stages of a business. I feel this is because for all new…

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How Lender S Set Mortgage Rates

Ever wonder how lender’s come up with the rates they do? You can stop wondering, cause I’m going to tell you how. We all answer to a higher mortgage rate power, namely the secondary market. The secondary market is where Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and other mortgage lenders ply their trade. These government founded agencies purchase the loans that lenders…

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Wealth Building

Types Of Stock Market Investors

There are as many different types of stock market investors as there are stocks to invest in. There is no one ‘bad’ type of investor, and there is no group of investors who will do better than the rest of the pack. Each personality type works in a different way. The stock markets need all types of investors to maintain…

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Wealth Building

Investors Losing Voices

Individual investors are increasingly losing their voices (via proxy or in person) in crucial shareholder voting matters. The reason for this under-representation has nothing to do with anything as exciting as deceptive business practices or secret votes. It’s just that fewer individual shareholders are choosing to return their proxies. This lack of return creates many dilemmas for companies that wish…

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