
Is Depression Always A Medical Problem Another View

Advertisements for anti-depression drugs are constantly smattered across the tube today. They are accompanied with the possible advantages of taking one drug or another to relieve this common malady. By law such ads are followed with a list of contraindications (possible side effects) some which sound much worse than the depression itself. Along with these ads is a little noticed…

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Visit To Old Jerusalem

Dear readers; Jerusalem Jerusalem is a religious center sacred to all three monotheistic religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. & History about The GATES of “JERUSALEM” Religious pilgrims from all nations continue to congregate in the Holy City and millions of people flow through the gates of Jerusalem each year. References to the city of Jerusalem appear throughout the entire Scriptures.…

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Message From The Holy One

The Godliness is asking humanity to unite.He will make use of this period in order to affect a great deal of balancing dearly needed at many levels of His Creation. He has been absent, perceptually so, for too long from His Creation, allowing the perception of having been dormant or even dead to exist for too long. How could the…

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God Doesn T Care About Creation Science

How could such a statement be true? How could the creator of all things not really care about His creation? As a blanket, catch-all statement, it is only partially true. God cares that you recognize Him as the creator. What I’m referring to is the “how” of creation. As Christians, we all have the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit guides…

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Holy Grail Of The Capital Markets

Introduction Ever since I retired at the age of 28. I have been doing a lot of thinking into these “Tough Cases” of the investment world. What I present today hopes to unveil the most mysterious of them all, the Holy Grail of The Capital Markets and I will be giving you my argument as to why it truly exists…

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Jerusalem In Just 3 Days

How to Get Around: The best way to see the Old City of Jerusalem is by walking the narrow, ancient alleyways that twist and turns like a maze. Parts of the Old City like the Shouk (market) where the hustle and bustle crushes around you amid the presence of the past is pedestrianised. The Church of the Holy Sepulcher The…

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