Health Fitness

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome What Causes This Mysterious Illness

For the thousands of individuals who currently suffer from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), the causes of this mysterious illness remain a mystery. Reputable medical institutions, including the Centers for Disease Control have launched research efforts into discovering the reasons why some individuals contract CFS and what can be done to alleviate the symptoms. Originally termed “yuppie flu” by the media,…

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Disease Illness

Diabetes Symptoms

Many people may not take notice of diabetes symptoms because so many of them don’t seem serious enough to attach to an actual disease. Feelings of nausea, for instance, are felt by so many people so often and for such a wide variety of reasons that most people never even think to associate it with diabetes. And because we all…

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Health Fitness

How To Shoot Down Stress And Defeat Fatigue

Feeling tired all the time? Feel like sleeping after your lunch break? Ever experienced that there are days that you’re energy is so low? Probably you are overworked or always under stress? You may be experiencing fatigue. Fatigue is a common health complaint. Around 20% of Americans experienced excessive fatigue that is enough to interfere with their normal life. However,…

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Health Fitness

Virgin Coconut Oil For Relief Of Chronic Fatigue

For centuries, coconut oil has been considered a vital source of food for health and general well-being. In tropical countries where coconut palm trees abound, locals have long been benefitting from this so called “Tree of Life”. Research shows that virgin coconut oil, like mother’s milk, is rich in lauric acid which is known for its antiviral, antibacterial, antimicrobial, and…

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Health Fitness

Weary Minds The Nature Of Mental Fatigue

The medical community generally views fatigue as a source of mystery — a complex physical condition that afflicts millions of people worldwide. It is not quite on the same level as being tired, as most people can easily say that they are “beyond tired” by the time fatigue sets in. Fatigue sets the body into a state of near-total lethargy.…

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Disease Illness

Chronic Fatigue Vs Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Fatigue is an ongoing part of life for many individuals today. Lack of sleep for busy parents, students, and others trying to find ways to fit all of their “to do’s” into one twenty four hour period is simply something that modern man learns to deal with. However, for some people, fatigue cannot be remedied by a good night’s sleep.…

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Health Fitness

Fatigue A Symptom Women Should Be Weary

Women have always worked hard. Aside from their families, their jobs, and household responsibilities, there are still other activities that a woman needs to attend to which may make them feel really tired. But today, doctors say, women are exhausted. Married or single, with or without kids, working in an office, a laundry or at home, it seems as true…

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Web Hosting

Having Great Posture In 2007

A workers posture can either be good, poor or awkward. It is not always the choice of the employee to have an awkward posture, but can be because of their environment or tools. Poor posture has a big impact on the muscles. If you are holding the correct posture when performing a task, you will be optimizing the way your…

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