Wealth Building

Do I Need Critical Insurance Cover

Critical illness insurance can be a Godsend for anyone who would suffer financially if they were to be diagnosed with a critical illness such as cancer, a heart attack or stroke. If something such as this should happen, then the bills would soon mount up, bills including your mortgage, your medical bills if any, taking care of your family and…

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Web Hosting

Do New Media Technologies Contribute To A More Democratic Polity

Since the introduction of mass media, academic debates in the field of communications and among the everyday discussions of citizens around the world, tend to emphasize on the importance of news and entertainment media as mediums of political discourse, and especially on their role as dynamic forces to nations’ democratization. In United States particularly, scholars and observers place considerable responsibility…

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Endangered Species Act Stirs Strong Feelings

Efforts in the U.S. Senate to update and modernize the 33-year-old Endangered Species Act (ESA) are an emotional topic for many. Opinions range from completely repealing the act to not changing a single word. Yet, it seems clear to many that sensible improvements-particularly those that focus on the recovery of species and not just habitats-are long overdue. Biologists say the…

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Critical Illness Needn T Hurt Your Bank Account Too

In the time it takes you to read this sentence, the bills from a critical illness may have forced yet another American to file for bankruptcy. It could be as a result of their own illness or a loved one’s, but the result’s the same: Half of all bankruptcies are due to serious illness, according to a recent Harvard study,…

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Wealth Building

Do I Need Critical Illness Insurance

Critical illness insurance is taken out to cover you either for life or for a set period of time against certain critical illnesses, diseases and medical conditions. It differs from life insurance in that life insurance pays out should you die. Critical illness insurance pays if you become physically or mentally impaired through illness or disease. A policy to cover…

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Web Hosting

Is Ebook Protection Really Necessary

I hear many people stating that we should not worry so much about protection and focus on our customers. Documents will be misused and that’s that…you can’t do anything about it! Those saying this must not have much to lose or risk by this type of thinking. Or they have never really had their information stolen, distributed or otherwise exploited…

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Wealth Building

Critical Criticism

Critical illness insurance is designed to pay out a lump sum if you are unfortunate enough to be diagnosed with one of a list of medical conditions specified in the policy documents. There is a wide variation in the length of the lists, some covering as few as eight illnesses and one a staggering 140, but this is a slightly…

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