Disease Illness

Pertussis Or Whooping Cough

Whooping cough a.k.a(also known as) Pertussis is a highly contagious disease. Whooping cough is one of the leading causes of vaccine-preventable deaths. There are 30 to 50 million cases of Pertussis per year. Of these millions of cases there is about three hundred thousand deaths each year. Basically all of these deaths occur in children under twelve months of age.…

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Health Fitness

Common Cold Care And Prevention

For all its findings, discoveries, and achievements, medical science still has yet to come up with a cure. Common cold occurs more often than any other disease hence, its name. There are approximately 200 viruses that can cause a cold. Most colds are caused by rhinoviruses (the name comes from “rhin,” the Greek word for nose) that are in invisible…

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Alternative Medicine

How To Fight The Common Cold And Flu

Symptoms of cold & flu A runny or blocked nose, sore throat, sneezing, cough, headache and mild fever are all signs of the common cold. Flu symptoms are similar but the fever is usually higher, alternating with chills and accompanied by sweating, aches and pain and fatigue. Why we get cold and flu ? Many different viruses can cause colds…

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School S Out For Summer But Health Is Still Important

For teens, this is the season for sleeping in, beach trips and first jobs. For their parents, however, it’s time to worry about common summer health risks. In fact, a new survey supported by the National Parent Teacher Association (PTA) reveals that one in four parents of teens is extremely or very concerned about their teen’s health during the upcoming…

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