
Misuse Of Law Could Be Toxic To Farmers

How would you like it if your home were suddenly declared a toxic waste site? Sound like something out of Ripley’s “Believe it or Not!”? Yet in today’s topsy-turvy world, that is exactly what some people are proposing. If you have any land with horses, cattle, chickens or other livestock on it, you have reason to be concerned. The proposal-being…

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Democrats Will Not Win House Republicans Will Lose It

Tomorrow is Election Day in the United States. Every member of the House of Representatives is up for re-election, and one third of the United States Senate. It is difficult living in the greatest democracy in 12,000 years of civilization, and not after a while grow use to the freedoms that our ancestors gave their lives for. The Constitution and…

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Come And Get It Your Federal Tax Credits

Money is like manure; it’s not worth a thing unless it’s spread around encouraging young things to grow. – Thornton Wilder The lack of money is the root of all evil. – Mark Twain Did you know that Congress passed a bill in 2005 that can provide you a tax credit (that’s a dollar for dollar reduction in your tax…

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Usa Vs The World

This dispute originally was in relation to tax relief plans for Foreign Service Companies (FSC’s) that consist of US companies with overseas branches of major US companies with a global reach, like computer giant Microsoft and aircraft manufacturer Boeing. In short during 2003 the WTO held hearings on the matter and ruled that the tax breaks were in violation of…

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Travel Leisure

Asta S Congress Highlights Theme Of Women In Travel

“There are so lots of wonderful, influential women in the travel industry & i am thrilled that ASTA is recognizing them through this important Congress theme,” said ASTA 2004 World Congress Chair-Hong Kong Bev Zukow, CTC. “Additionally, ASTA has been working hard to enhance Congress with some great old features this year.” Hong Kong, April 21, 2004 -The American Society…

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Wealth Building

Is Congress Regulating Any Credit Card Policies

Although at times it seems as if the credit card companies have dominance over everyone, Congress continues to remind us that they have the final say in the way things are run. With Congress looking at several issues that deals with credit card companies, there is sure to be some kind of regulations on policies in the coming years. As…

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The Uganda Scheme

Theodore Herzl, the visionary who founded Zionism, was an assimilated Jew, who did not consider Palestine the optimal choice for a resurgent Jewish nationalism. When the British offered to him a homeland in East Africa (today’s Uganda), he accepted and proposed it to the Sixth Zionist Congress in Basle in 1903. After bitter recriminations, the Congress decided (295 for, 178…

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