
A Career Built On Character

“Personality can open doors, but only character can keep them open.” ~Elmer G. Letterman “The best job goes to the person who can get the job done without coming up with excuses or passing the buck” ~Napolean Hill What About Politics? Political Astuteness is something that you may not learn in school; however, it plays a significant role in success…

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It S Not Funny Unless It Sells

We’ve all encountered humor in advertising. TV ads showing smart dogs fetching their owners a beer. Radio spots with aliens purifying our drinking water. Print ads with famous people wearing milk mustaches. Many use dry wit. Others are just plain silly. A few are in bad taste. And some, heaven forbid, aren’t even funny. Humor has its place Does humor…

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Horde Leveling Guides

Like many, I have been frustrated trying to level up my new characters on World of Worldcraft. Personally, I prefer playing Horde characters – Alliance is just too pretty for me personally. That aside, we still need to level our Horde characters up to take down those nasty alliance folks – and that can be a very frustrating endeavour. Leveling…

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Self Improvement

Character Over Reputation

Political and church leaders, actors and actresses, singers, writers, athletes, professors, engineers, doctors, lawyers and practically everyone (although they may not be even aware of what it truly means) are undoubtedly concerned about their REPUTATION. Even if we give high regards to integrity and dignity as values taught everywhere in the world, we have been continuously startled by news of…

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Can Money Build Character In Illinois Schools

Can money help build character? That is what many Illinois Schools are banking on. The Illinois Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support (PBIS) Network will receive a grant of $471,038 to fund a four-year program character education program in the Illinois Schools. The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) announced that the state will receive on of four awards given by…

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Travel Leisure

Florentine Legends The Reversed Balcony

Florence is a city full of history where it’s easy to be charmed by surrounds and you do not notice some little corners, minor ones that make you rediscover the city and the character of Florentine people. One of these is little corners in Florence, perhaps surrounded by a legend, is in Borgo Ognissanti at number 12, where is located…

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Writing Exercise 3 This Could Get Dangerous

Defining your fictional characters’ voices is important. What is equally vital, though, is grasping your characters’ humanity, the core of their fictional soul. A good way to learn how to do this is by observing an incident through another living person’s eyes. For this exercise, choose your spouse, a relative, or your best friend to play the fictional character in…

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One Dimensional Writing Using First Person Perspective

When an author decides to write fiction one the primary methods of storytelling is through a first person perspective. For many writers this is the most comfortable manner of storytelling. In a first person narrative the reader is allowed to relate to the story one dimensionally. The story is presented to the reader from the viewpoint of a character in…

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Time Management

New Age Spirituality Inspirational Stories Part 1

The word Karma is derived from the Sanskrit Kri, to do; all action is Karma. Technically, this word also means the effects of actions. In connection with metaphysics, it sometimes means the effects, of which our past actions were the causes. But in Karma-Yoga we have simply to do with the word Karma as meaning work. The goal of mankind…

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