
Health Benefits Of Carrot Juice

Carrot juice has a number of health benefits. The carrot provides what is certainly the most important basic juice. The yellow color is due to carotene. Another name for this form of carotene, the transform, is pro vitamin A. Many authors write that carrots contain a lot of vitamin A. This is not actually true; what the carrot does contain…

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Herbal Skin Care Secrets Hidden At The Greengrocer S

Interest in skin care supplements, or beauty foods, has been strong in Asia, and that trend is growing fast in Europe as well. These nutrient rich beauty foods make a good case for starting a beauty regime from within, one that is designed to prevent or reduce the effects of aging, like sagging skin. Some products on the market include…

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Apricots Are Loading With Nutritional Goodies

Alexander the Great fell in love with this surprisingly sweet fruit in Asia, where he found them growing wild. When he returned to Europe from his military expeditions, he brought some with him. The ancient Romans gave the apricot its name – from the Latin word for “precocious” – because the apricot is the first fruit of the season to…

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