
8 Reasons Why Your Child Hates Reading

Are you troubled by your child’s disinterest in reading? Maybe you have a young child just learning to read. You try to encourage the learning by reading together. However, each reading session is a struggle. Your child shuns it like a hated vegetable . Or maybe your child can already read, but just doesn’t want to. They even tell you…

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Control And Responsibility For Teens

Control and Responsibility Dear Daughter, In an earlier letter we touched on the concepts of control and responsibility. Let’s go a little deeper with these important ideas. If you ever find that someone’s behavior is “driving you nuts,” please slow down and consider the possibility of control issues on your part. Did you know that it is possible for you…

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Is Your Baby S Size Normal

All mothers watch their children’s development closely. We get worried if they’re too small, or too big, too short or too tall. But, just like adults, babies come in all shapes and sizes. When you take your baby to the pediatrician for her well baby checkups, they will rank your baby’s size. Here’s some idea of how it will work.…

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Preschool Readiness Tips To Ensure Your Child Is Prepared

Is your child ready for preschool? If your child has been attending daycare, you may think that he or she will automatically be ready for the preschool environment, however this may not be the case. Here are some ways that you can help prepare your child for preschool. Preschool Idea #1- Encourage your Child to Spend time with Others Before…

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Who S The Father Dna Paternity Testing

There is an urban legend that over thirty percent of all children are not born of their appointed father; instead, they are the products of adultery. Because of this long-standing myth, the idea of a paternity test has been a persistent one in the minds of the public. Here, we will explain what a paternity test actually is and answer…

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Tired Of The Mess Tips To Keep Your Child S Room Neat

Wanting your child to be organized and stay safe is an innate desire for parents. But sometimes, your kids don’t see it that way. All your kids want to do is play, play and play some more! If you’re having a hard time keeping your child’s room clean and organized, read on for some tips to help you achieve your…

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The Challenge Of Families

Angie grew up in a family where she was the caretaker. The oldest of four, Angie was the only member of her family capable of deep caring, empathy and compassion. As a result, she was always attempting to protect her brother and sisters from her father’s physical and emotional abuse. Even her mother learned to turn to her for help…

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Parental Control The V Chip

Probably the greatest invention as far as parental control over TV programs was the V-Chip. This article is going to take a look at how the chip was invented and came to be. The V-chip was invented by Professor Tim Collings. It is patented with US patent number 5,828,204 and Canadian patent number 2,178,474. The first testing of this great…

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Your Teen Tips On Successfully Fitting In

Most teens feel “different” in one way or another. Parents may understand their teens, but sometimes not in a way their children want them to. Here are some things to remember that may help parents understand their teens and help them to fit in: • Remember, at this age friendships are very important. School is a teen’s home away from…

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Help Youngsters Develop Their Love Of Reading

The word is out-parents can help their little ones learn to read and like it, if they heed a few hints: • Show them you like to read. Point out articles of interest to kids in this publication or others you may have. Let them see you read books for pleasure. • Read aloud to your children long before they…

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