
Gift Baskets Popular For Expectant And New Mothers

I’ve been to a lot of baby showers and births lately. From my daughter-in-laws second child in three years to a family friend’s and even my younger sister’s, I’ve had plenty of opportunity to ponder what makes a great gift for an expectant or new mother. After reading facial expressions from multiple mothers and mothers to be as well hearing…

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Christmas Giving Is A Blessing

Christmas brings a new life to the believers. Much before Christmas comes, the mood around the world changes. It is the anticipation of lovely days ahead of giving joy, meeting friends and family and feeling the spirit in the air that changes the most negative person to positive moods. Chistmas makes a person different. The same man, who you never…

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Good Friday And Easter

Jesus died on the cross. Jesus was nailed on the cross. Yes, He was nailed. How many of you have taken injection shots? Do you remember the feeling of pain that comes with a very thin needle? That also is taken away within few seconds. Now imagine getting hit with a nail and the nail crossing your palm, a thick…

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