Health Fitness

Obesity Sexual Health And Other Health Effects

Obesity has been getting the attention of many health specialists because of the ill-effects it brings. Obesity is defined as an abnormal accumulation of body fat. Individuals who are 20 to 40 percent over one’s ideal weight is considered as mildly obese, 40 to 100 percent over the their ideal weight is considered moderately obese, and 100 percent over one’s…

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Health Fitness

A Healthy Approach To Stress

Different people get bothered for different reasons. A big sports game, an office presentation, deadlines at work, even other people and relationships — all these can cause us stress. This feeling of mild anxiety can cause different outcomes, even negative consequences. A student can fail his or her exam simply by being stressed out or when he encounters a mental…

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Health Fitness

The Intense And Crawling Facts On Phobia

Wherever you live, you’re always close to a creature that is part of the largest group of animals on Earth, the arthropods. Their relatives are called arachnids. They have eight walking legs, simple eyes and piercing jaws (fangs), abdominal silk spinning organs, anterior abdominal genital opening. Arachnids include scorpions, pseudo-scorpions, whip spiders, harvestmen, ticks mites, and spiders. Spiders are ancient…

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Health Fitness

Common Hearing Aid Myths

MYTH: Hearing aids will cure hearing loss or restore a hearing impaired individual’s hearing to normal. TRUTH: No hearing aid will ever allow a hearing impaired individual to have normal hearing. A hearing aid just cannot provide what the ear and its intricate working of nerves can. What it can do is amplify sounds so that those wearing them can…

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Health Fitness

Oversleeping The Opposite Of Insomnia

When it comes to sleep disorders, the more common complaints are from people who are having trouble falling asleep and getting “quality” sleep. Not much have been said about those on the others side of the coin. Some people have the opposite problem. They sleep too much… I personally used to sleep up to 14 hours a “night”. Sometimes I’d…

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Health Fitness

Cinderella And The Happily Ever

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Health Fitness

Penile Cancer Saying Goodbye To Peter

Men are particularly proud of their packages and the number of times they use it to pleasure women. What escapes them is the fact that careless overuse of it and a lack of hygiene may get their members into big trouble and ultimately put men’s sexual health in jeopardy. Penile cancer Cancer of the penis is a rare condition that…

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Health Fitness

Swimming Pool Chlorinators Facilitating Pool Chlorination

Chlorine is powerful disinfectant. It is effective against almost all bacteria and viruses and thus commonly used to prevent waterborne disease or infections. Chlorine is commonly used to keep swimming pool water clean and free from infections & infectious agents. This process of adding chlorine to water for the purpose of disinfection is known as Chlorination. The process of ‘chlorination’…

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Health Fitness

Scoliosis Check Your Curves Early

What do Elizabeth Taylor, Renee Ruso, Isabella Rossellini, and Linda Blair all have in common? Aside from the obvious fact that they are popular and gorgeous celebrities, these women suffer from a back problem called scoliosis. Scoliosis is a medical condition that is characterized by the presence of curvatures and deformities in the spine. Unlike poor posture, these curves can…

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Health Fitness

Facts On Opalescence Teeth Whitening System

Facts on Opalescence Teeth Whitening System People like their pearly whites to be both pearly and white. It sounds lame but it is true. People love to take care of their teeth. One might even say that people are particularly vain concerning their teeth. This is because when meeting people, the teeth are definitely the first thing to get noticed.…

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