Current Events

Neo Containment For A Nuclear Iran

As anyone who has opened a newspaper or watched the news over the past few years knows, the Islamic Republic of Iran has been pursuing nuclear capability. Iran’s government insists its only goal is to develop nuclear power plants that would not threaten anyone. The United Nations, though, is concerned Iran might instead covet nuclear weapons. The United States is…

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Current Events

911 Faqs And More Questions

The number 911 has been in the news quite frequently in the last couple of years. 911 is the emergency number dialed by people when they need fire, police or ambulance assistance in a hurry. In the year 911 the Lower Seine area was ceded to the Norse invaders under Hrolf Ranger as the Duchy of Normandy (treaty of St…

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Current Events

Aclu Or Aclj The Difference Is Like Night And Day

The ACLU has championed many causes since it was founded in 1920 by Mr. Roger Baldwin. Some of the most notable causes or rulings the ACLU supported have to do with abortion rights, homosexual and lesbian rights and removal of prayer from the public schools. Some of its most notable positions were of lesser significance but created much more press…

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Current Events

Recession Answers

Are you concerned about inflation, a recession, or even a depression in the early 21st Century? If you are concerned about either one or the real possibility of all the economic woes that potentially face the United States you are surely not alone as more and more people find they are having real trouble paying their mortgages and putting food…

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Current Events

Americans Unite Return Government To The People

Tired of paying too much in taxes while your government continues to waste your hard-earned money and not listen to what you want? Do something about it, says a provocative new website working to give the power back to the people. Voter says there are four simple things you can do to take back your government from corporate lobbyists,…

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