Contact Lenses

Contact Lenses Without A Prescription

Even though you can get non prescription contacts, they aren’t meant to correct your vision. Known as plano, the most common type of non prescription contact lenses are the opaque color contact lenses. Even though they don’t require a prescription, those who want them need to consult with an optometrist first to ensure they get the right fit. Locally or…

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Contact Lenses

Extended Wear Contacts

Over the last several years, there have been many improvements in contact lenses. As a whole, contacts are the best alternative to wearing glasses. They are comfortable, don’t hang off your face, and above all – they are affordable. Among the many types of contact lenses available on the market, are the extended wear contacts. There are many benefits to…

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Contact Lenses

Tips For Buying Contact Lenses

There are some people out there who wonder why people spend money on expensive contact lenses or expensive glasses. If you’ve never worn glasses or contacts, then chances are that you have really good vision. On the other hand, those that don’t have really good vision will need to get either contact lenses or glasses in order to have near…

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